Cancellation and Booking Conditions

  • From the booking date till 10 days prior to the arrival date, 30% or the advance amount will be paid to the hotels as retention/cancellation amount
  • If you cancel the tour before 10 days till arrival date a credit note will be provided which will be valid for next 1 year.
  • Last minute hotel changes may attract cancellation/retention charges
  • We cannot pay any compensation, reimburse expenses, or cover losses for any amount or otherwise accept responsibility, if as a result of circumstances beyond our control, we have to change your Holiday after booking, or we, cannot supply your Holiday, as we had agreed, or you suffer any loss or damage of any description. When we refer to circumstances beyond our control, we mean any event that we could not or see or avoid, even after taking all reasonable care. Such circumstances will usually include, but are not limited to, war, threat of war, airport closures, epidemic, natural or nuclear disaster, terrorist activity, civil unrest, industrial dispute, bad weather.

Pro Tip: Cable car rides are not included in the package. You should make sure that you book the cable car rides online and should be booked as early as possible

Travel Tips

Bring your aadhar, passport or driving licence

Valid photo identification and address proofs such as your passport, pan card, adhaar card or driving licence, to get into that plane or even to get access to certain places in Kashmir.

Post paid mobile connection

When it comes to the mobile network in Kashmir, the important thing that you should know is that only postpaid connections work in the valley. Irrespective of which network you were on, your phone will be dead as soon as you enter Kashmir if it was a prepaid

Always carry local cash

If you are a foreigner you can exchange money from currency exchange. If you are from India UPI, Bank transfers and cash will also be accepted